She served as Assistant State’s Attorney for St. Mary’s County, and she has proven herself as a Judge

Will the election for St. Mary’s County Judge be decided based upon a popularity contest or solely upon qualifications? If a popularity contest, Sue Armitage is a well known and well liked “County Girl” with over 30 years in private practice majoring in Family Law, i.e. Divorce Lawyer. She has not served as a prosecutor or as a Judge. Her criminal law experience does not compare to that of Judge Amy.

Judge Amy had to go through an extensive screening process to be appointed by Governor Hogan to fill a vacancy. She has nearly 20 years in private practice with experience in dealing with civil and criminal cases. She served as Assistant State’s Attorney for St. Mary’s County, and she has proven herself as a Judge. It is important that a Judge have experience as both a prosecutor and as a defender, as Amy does. Vote qualifications. Vote to keep Judge Amy.

– Joe Wible, Sr, Leonardtown, MD

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